One simple way to survive your first year as a franchisee

Sarah Stowe

You’ve signed up to the franchise, done your training and are raring to get stuck in to this new adventure. What is one thing you can do behind the scenes to make your first year a success?

Stay on top of your finances

Get your bookkeeping happening right from the start. Don’t do it yourself, turn to the professionals. The accounting side of business is definitely something for the experts.

There are too many things that can go wrong if you go with a DIY approach. And fixing the problems can be very expensive.

I recommend you engage an accountant who will also take care of your bookkeeping.

It’s important the accountant is up to speed with technology. For instance, check that they will set up apps that allow you to upload receipts and invoices from photos on your phone

With the bookkeeping set up right at the start you’ll have up-to-date financial reports to review each month. You can use these to check whether things are going to plan, or if you need to make any changes to get back on track.