IGA launches ad campaign

Sarah Stowe

The independent supermarket chain IGA is poised to launch a major marketing and branding campaign to convert consumers to its brands.

The $3.5 million campaign across TV, outdoor and digital platforms will specifically promote SUPA IGA’s expanded number of large format stores – 42 of which are new or proposed – across the state.

IGA is currently expanding its branded stores in NSW from 272 to 346 supermarkets following acquisition of the Franklins supermarket.

Silvestro Morabito, chief operating officer of IGA’s supplier Metcash Food & Grocery, said “We have reached the point of conversions from Franklins when we can now go to consumers with a strong and unified brand message.

“The SUPA IGA brand positioning builds on the positive brand image of IGA, but on a larger scale with very competitive pricing and ranging against the national chains.

“IGA allows customers to still purchase their favourite grocery brands and varieties so they do not need to settle for just home, generic or corporate brands,” he added.

The 198 IGA format stores across NSW – with 32 new and proposed outlets following the Franklins integration – will also promote their great value, service and range as a separate channel to the SUPA IGA brand.

Morabito said “All IGA stores will continue to deliver on their proposition of ‘how the locals like it’, offering real choice to consumers of products that they want, not simply what supermarket head offices want to sell to them.

“The campaign is effectively communicating that the expanded SUPA IGA network, following the Franklins integration, is everything consumers like about their smaller format and convenient local store, but on a larger scale with very competitive prices,” he added.

Each IGA and SUPA IGA supermarket is independently owned and many tailor their grocery ranges to the needs of their consumers – a strong point of difference from the national chains.

Morabito added, “We have achieved a substantial rise in our footprint across NSW, Australia’s largest grocery market, through the Franklins acquisition and we expect to build on this growth with a substantial rise in sales in coming years.”

Image: advancevisual.com.au