How Soccajoeys founder is kicking goals

Sarah Stowe

Spend two minutes with Stacy Alogdellis, managing director of Soccajoeys, a kids soccer franchise…

My experience is a mix of small business and professional football, both player and coach. 

I would attend grassroots matches on the weekends in my local area and see how so many younger siblings were too young to play. I realised there was an opportunity and a genuine need to provide younger children with similar physical development opportunities through a customised soccer program for preschoolers.  

My goals remain the same as when I first began the business: to provide children with exceptional programs that support their individual development and to help children foster a love of fitness and soccer. 

For my franchisees, my goal is to provide a highly supportive business environment with innovative products, advanced technology, contemporary systems and processes to operate streamlined businesses and hands-on support to cater to their needs. 

I consider myself a very open and approachable person and have surrounded myself with a great head office team. Together, we are engaged with the network 24/7. I am always investigating and researching new methods to improve our operations.

With every roadblock or obstacle comes an opportunity. Some constraints have led us to new markets and growth areas, so it’s a matter of perspective and how you approach the challenges. 

How to measure success

I best measure franchise success by the success of our franchisees, our growth and also the satisfaction and excitement we give to families and children who attend our programs.

Business is a landscape that is always evolving and you have to be able to adapt accordingly. A good knowledge of all aspects of your business is critical to keep on top of it all.

But you definitely need to balance a work–life ratio. We can easily get so busy making a living that we forget to make a life.

So I relax by spending time with my family and enjoying the simple pleasures in life. Going fishing with my children, spending quiet family time with and appreciating the time we share. 

I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. Working with families and children, mentoring staff and having a fantastic network of franchisees is very fulfilling, and I love my industry.