Couriers Please success profitability

CouriersPlease is priming franchisees for success and profitability

Sarah Stowe

Business owners need to capitalise on opportunities for development and success, even during times of economic uncertainty. And, that’s why CouriersPlease (CP) is fired up to boost franchisees’ capacity for revenue growth.

The CP business has worked hard to deliver an exceptional service to franchisees and has harnessed the best technology to substantially boost franchisee support. A dedicated growth-focused program helps franchisees optimise their opportunities, and they can gain valuable data insights from targeted growth reporting. This upcoming exciting development will help franchisees in their decision-making process.

James Hucker is the newly minted head of franchising. He says “We want to devote time to talking with franchisees about any challenges, and how we can help them achieve their growth goals together”. 

CouriersPlease primed for profitability

“The program is about arming them with the tools to boost profitability, whether that’s tech tools that are seamless for improved service and productivity or streamlining and simplifying the onboarding experience for new customers”.

“What we’re trying to do is further standardise our product offer so franchisees can improve the speed of customer onboarding whilst providing an exceptional experience. As part of this, we are also making sure our franchisees are able to track a customer’s onboarding progress keeping them informed and up to date as we move through the process”.

Equipping franchisees with valuable operations tools such as digitised documentation makes them more productive and saves them valuable time.   

CP is also developing growth and local area marketing programs in partnerships. This includes an alignment with the Franchise Council of Australia. There’s also a fuel subsidy available that has an immediate impact on franchisees’ costs.

The company’s restructure of roles in the support office ensures a greater capacity to assist franchisees deliver profitability.

Franchisee advocates in leadership roles

The drive to ensure CP franchisees are primed for profitability starts at the top. When Richard Thame took on the CEO role last year, he brought with him not just a background in logistics, but also substantial franchising experience. 

James says “That’s allowed us to expand, and to further improve in areas of value that the franchising industry does extremely well.”

One early initiative was centring franchisees at the heart of the business, which strengthened the partnership between franchisee and franchisor.

James’ brand-new head of franchising role allows him to directly advocate for franchisees. It’s a sign of how vigorously CP is supporting the franchising element of the business.

“By providing a dedicated franchising department within our senior leadership team (SLT), we ensure that we have the interests of our franchisees considered as part of our strategy, and at the fundamental core of what we do” he explains.

For CouriersPlease success and profitability are key

Now franchisees have helped to build an internal national Franchise Advisory Council from the ground up, delivering greater franchisee engagement.

Eleven long-standing franchisees, and franchise representative groups in each State, participate in the FAC.

“Everyone is committed to the process, and I get to bring that as a voice to the SLT. Every suggestion so far has been accepted and is driving fundamental action for improvement” says James.

Franchisee engagement, leadership and exceptional support reflect the CourierPlease commitment to boosting growth and increased profits for franchisees