Baked goods raise funds for Red Cross appeal

Sarah Stowe

Thanks to franchisees within the Retail Food Group (RFG) the sale of thousands of bread rolls, doughnuts, cakes and coffees on ValentineÕs Day, raised $105,831.38 for the Australian Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal.

The network of franchised Donut King, BrumbyÕs Bakeries, MichelÕs Patisserie and bbÕs cafe stores across the nation banded together to raise much needed funds to support the charity.

RFG CEO Tony Alford said “Over 1,000 Donut King, BrumbyÕs Bakeries, MichelÕs Patisseries and bbÕs cafes donated their time and their profits to help us raise this money, and we are very proud that our franchisee community has rallied to assist such a worthy pursuit.”

Alford said he could not thank Australians enough for “eating so generously” and helping RFG’s 1,000 plus stores raise the money.

“RFG would like to thank our hungry and generous patrons who visited their local Donut King, Brumby’s Bakery, Michel’s Patisserie or bb’s cafe to help us raise in excess of $100,000 for the bushfire ravaged communities,” he said.

“It’s not everyday that a customer has the opportunity to enjoy a doughnut, coffee, cake, pie or a range of other drinks and treats and know that such a purchase will financially assist a community in distress.”