Danika Heslop is executive chef at Jamaica Blue. Before heading up the food development for the café franchise she worked at the Michelin starred Norwegian restaurant Bagatelle and top Sydney restaurant, Quay.
Here she answers five personal questions:
1. What’s your favourite app?
Instagram; it’s a great forum, not only to keep in touch with friends and family around the world and see what they’re up to, but it also serves as a great touch-point for the hospitality industry. It enables me to follow the restaurants, cafes, chefs and companies that interest me.
2. What’s on your playlist?
I heard some great music and artists when I was living in Scandinavia and many of these still sit at the top of my playlist; Sigur Rós, Madrugada, Swedish House Mafia, Röyksopp, Peter Bjorn and John, Björk…
3. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned?
An old chef I worked for, Dietmar Sawyer, used to frequently say “You can make any decision you want in life, as long as you are prepared to take the consequences.”
I think about this often, when making tough decisions or when having tough conversations – what might the consequences of my decision or action be, and who it will affect in the long term. It’s an important lesson that has stuck with me.
4. How do you stay calm in a crisis?
When in a crisis, I think it’s just about fixing one problem at a time, until it’s no longer a crisis. Taking this approach helps me keep calm and prioritise what’s important.
5. What’s your secret passion?
Photography; I love capturing memories as they happen in all aspects of life; whether it’s the food I create, the places I visit, or the people I meet. Pictures can speak a thousand words.