New McDonald’s burger combines beef patties, sausages

Sarah Stowe

McDonald’s China has added a new limited edition item to its menu – a burger that is comprised of two beef patties and two sausages doused with mustard.

Unlike other McDonald’s burgers, the new addition, which has been named the Sausage Double Beef Burger, does not contain any lettuce, tomato, onion or pickle.

The fast food chain already sells a similar burger in Germany that contains three Nuremburg sausages, fried onions and mustard, reports The Daily Telegraph.

McDonald’s has not announced any plans to introduce the burger into other countries, which could be a good thing. 

Ironically, at a time when fast food chains are developing healthier meal options for customers, many are also introducing products that are more calorie, fat and sodium laden than ever. 

KFC and its now banned Double Dawn “burger” is one such example. Rather than use a burger bun to sandwich ingredients together, the Double Dawn consisted of two slices of melted cheese, bacon and sauce held together by two pieces of deep fried chicken.