How to pick the right franchise for you [video]

Nick Hall

Looking for your dream franchise? Google may give some valuable advice, but in the end the decision is up to you.

It’s important to remember that outside of purchasing a house, buying into a business is one of the most pivotal financial decisions a person can make, and should be treated as such.

A franchise opportunity, like any business venture should be viewed as a long-term investment, rather than a quick cash-grab, and as a result, model and brand selection can be the difference between a positive and healthy work-life, and a financial and emotional strain.

Picking a franchise system that has longevity and appeals to your motivational needs is critical to workplace satisfaction, and franchisees should focus on a business that they believe they could invest a large amount of time into.

While finding the right franchise for you is an entirely personal journey, there are some questions that you can ask yourself to assess the viability and profitability of a potential franchise venture.

Here’s our guide to picking a franchise model that meets your needs and the breaks down the signs of a strong franchisor.