Have you found the perfect franchise? Here are 10 questions to ask the franchisor

Sarah Stowe

As a prospective franchisee there are many questions you need to ask before committing to being part of a franchise. Although a franchise may look successful and profitable on the outside, it is best to ask as many questions as possible to ensure that this image isn’t just smoke and mirrors.

Below are 10 questions a prospective franchisee should ask to ensure they are entering into a successful, profitable, efficient and effective franchise.

1. How much is the initial investment?

You may already know what the initial franchise fee is but also ask about any additional pre-opening fees and overheads. Adding up the total cost of a franchise prior to opening the franchise business will ensure you either can or can’t afford the total out of pocket costs before signing any franchise documents.

2. What do my franchise and marketing fees buy me?

Discuss with the franchisor exactly what this investment will provide you with. Once you have an idea of the cost to start up the business ask yourself: “Am I paying too much for this initial investment for what it actually provides me with?”

3. What support systems are in place for new and existing franchisees?

As a new franchisee you may be new to the industry you have chosen, or this may be your first time running your own business. The beauty of a franchise is the back-up on offer, so ask the franchisor about the support systems including training, promotional materials, legal advice and financial support.

4. What are the laws in regards to starting the business?

Depending on the type of business, there may be several legal regulations or issues that you will have to deal with once you become a franchisee. This may cause issues if you have no prior legal experience and will mean spending time and money with a legal advisor. Find out what help you can get from the franchisor.

5. How long has the franchise been in operation?

This may be an obvious question but it’s an important one. If a franchise has been in operation for many years but has not seen much growth or profitability this may mean there is an issue with the business model. However, high growth in a short amount of time may also be a warning sign. Ask questions to ensure you are happy with the growth strategy the franchisor is following.

6.  What are the satisfaction levels of the existing franchisees?

What better way to find out whether a franchise is well suited to your needs and expectations than to ask people with experience. The satisfaction levels of existing franchisees will always indicate whether the franchise provides a business structure that supports franchisees and ensures a quality and profitable investment.

7. Is this business model profitable?

There must be reward for the amount of effort you put into the franchise. If you work every day, all day but see no return on investment then you are likely to fail. If you are purchasing an existing business, take into account the franchisee’s profitability history and cash flow as well as things such as overhead costs and decide whether this franchise is worth both your time and your money.

8. Will there be territorial protection?

It is crucial for the success of some franchise models that the franchisor ensures territorial protection for franchisees. This is so no new franchisee can penetrate your market and diminish customer numbers through unnecessary competition. 

9. Are you involved in franchise recruitment or franchise sales?

It may be difficult to initially find out whether the franchisor is in the business of building their franchise team or just selling franchise packages and making their money up-front.

However a good indication of a franchisor involved in franchise sales is one that provides very low support systems and follow-up once the sale is complete.

Ensure you consider the benefits of both. Typically those involved in franchise sales alone can be more flexible and less controlling – yet can lack the guidance, support and governance that one concerned with franchise recruitment may offer.

10. What’s your vision for the business?

Any business has a greater chance of success with a passionate, dedicated leader at the helm – someone who has a vision for the business.

So what does the franchisor envisage for the brand next year, in five years’ time? How will changing market forces have an impact on the business and what plans does the franchisor have to alter the franchise model accordingly?

What investment is the franchisor putting into research and development?

When you put your hard-earned cash into a business, you’ll want to be sure of a good return. Ask these questions to get a clear idea of whether or not the franchise you have in mind will do the job.