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3 business services franchises that won’t cost you the weekend

Nick Hall

Love your weekends but want to break out of the employee rat race? Unlike all business services franchises, some flexible models won’t cut into that precious Saturday and Sunday family time.

If you have been considering a move into the world of entrepreneurship, chances are you’ve heard tales of long hours and sleepless nights. While running a business is by no means an easy feat, no career should rob you of your downtime.

It may be a case of refining your skillset or processes, that way you can prioritise your workload and get the big things done more efficiently. However, if you’re still apprehensive about taking the plunge for fear of losing out on your weekend, then a Monday to Friday business could be just the right option.

Here’s three business services franchises that won’t put an end to your weekend festivities.

Appliance Tagging Services

Workplace safety business Appliance Tagging Services (ATS) provides a unique market-leading service to businesses across the country.

Franchisees test and tag electrical equipment and residual current devices, provide electrical safety assessments, inspect and test services for portable fire protection appliances and emergency lighting, and undertake minor repairs.

Due to its business to business model, the operating hours of an ATS franchisee are generally between 7 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday. However, this can vary depending on the type of business they are servicing, and of course client requirements.

As far as lifestyle goes, franchisees can set the hours they work to fit in with their prior commitments, however attendance times for service provisions are normally at the client’s request.

What’s more, in addition to being one of the most flexible business services franchises on the market, ATS is also one of the most affordable. The investment cost is a meagre $57,000 plus GST (excluding fire training and licensing), with the model requiring no prior experience.

The Alternative Board

The Alternative Board is a business coaching and consulting franchise that provides a niche advisory board service for small and medium-sized business owners. Bringing business owners together with peer advisors from non-competing businesses, this operation provides coaching and mentoring sessions that focus not just on the business but the business owner.

Like ATS, the focus on business and corporate clients means that typical working hours for franchisees are 8am to 5pm, with franchisees welcomed to trade outside that schedule if they wish.

An Alternative Board franchise will set you back a capital investment of $55,000+ (full franchise fee), with agreement terms of an initial 10 years plus 10 year extension option.

The model is best suited to current or former business owners, or those who have worked as a mid- to senior-level corporate executive, like Newcastle franchisee Chris Tandy who said the opportunity not only boosted him financially, but personally as well.

“It is one of the most rewarding things I have done in my career, and I spend more time with my family,” he said.

Drug Safe Workplaces

With a low cost of entry and a highly profitable business model, Drug Safe Workplaces is one of the most unique business services franchises on offer.

Franchisees travel to workplaces across the country to provide mobile alcohol and drug testing, in order to improve workplace safety and compliance.

The hours are flexible, meaning franchisees can set their own schedule and work around prior commitments, allowing for full freedom within their business.

Further, the franchise also offers initial and ongoing training, coaching and mentoring through its Drug-Safe Academy.

Weekday business services franchises

Whether you have experience in the sector or not, business services franchises offer a scope of flexibility that few other industries can match.

By targeting business and corporate clients, franchisees regularly find themselves conforming to the standard 9am to 5pm daily structure. If you have a family, or just enjoy the solitude of a solo Saturday or Sunday, consider if one of these business services franchises fits your lifestyle and goals.