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5 ways to share your vision with your franchise network

Sarah Stowe

For franchisors, the vision of the business is the core element of any business plan. After all, if you don’t know where you are going, how can you get there?

Without a guiding vision, there’s a lack of focus and clarity within the business, and this will impact on creating business plans, goals, budgets and the tactics you need to succeed.

In essence, it’s the driving force and key motivator to push the business towards future success. So, why are so many franchisors so bad at communicating this vision to their franchisees?

Instead of hiding the vision away on a pretty poster in head office, it’s the good news that should be shouted from the rooftops for all of your franchisees to hear. You should know it by heart, and so should they.

What is holding franchisors back when it comes to communicating the business vision? Is it a lack of clarity around the vision or planning? Perhaps. If there’s not a clear vision at the very head of the business, it’s near impossible to communicate to a network of franchisees.

It’s essential that the vision of the company is considered in-line with business planning each year and updated and refined as necessary.

If there is a clear vision, is there a fear of communicating it more broadly in case franchisees resist change or disagree? Maybe. But this shouldn’t be a barrier to communication. In fact, a well-communicated vision can help motivate and inspire franchisees if they know exactly where the business is going and make change easier to land.

5 ways to share your franchise vision

Here are five ways to share the vision again (and again, and again!) with your network to maximise engagement, confidence and motivation from franchisees.

1. Use the annual or bi-annual conference

Events such as conferences are an ideal forum to communicate your version of the State of the Nation address. Make your goals for the business clear. Reiterate the values that set your business apart from competitors. What do you want customers to experience? How do you want to be known in the community?

What makes the conference an ideal setting for such a discussion is that your network is away from the day-to-day operations of their business. They have time to focus and engage with the message, plus hearing it directly from the business leader can help inspire confidence in the vision and shared meaning.

Other events, workshops or seminars at the conference can be used to reinforce the vision, leaving attendees with a strong understanding of where the company is going when they return to their businesses.

2. Web-based platforms

If an annual event isn’t feasible, a meeting via a secure web-based service like Zoom or Skype can have a similar impact. Scheduling sessions to broadcast an update about the company vision can be a positive experience for franchisees as they can hear directly from the leadership team and feel connected and engaged. Such platforms can be used to communicate in large and small groups, and enable immediate two-way engagement.

3. Newsletters, emails and internal portals

Use regular communications such as newsletters to re-state the vision. Link any system changes, innovations or updates back to that vision to help implement change to franchisees. A new system or procedure has a greater chance of successful uptake if franchisees have a reason why they are doing it and how it connects with the broader goals of the company.

Newsletters and email methods are also a great way to encourage feedback and foster two-way communication with franchisees if they have ideas or concerns or to survey participants.

4. Video snippets

Like with conferences or Zoom calls, video snippets allow your franchisees to connect with the business leader but in short, digestible format from their computers or phones. Short videos are engaging, personable and a high-energy method to communicate a critical update or change, and importantly link it back to the vision.

5. Franchise advisory council

Every meeting of your franchise advisory council should start with a discussion of the vision, and that should be the overarching guiding principle to any decisions.

If you are discussing new product innovations or operations, always consider how this links back to the vision. Does it fit in with what you are trying to achieve? If not, why are you doing it?

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