The multi-faceted property franchise sector

Sarah Stowe

The multi-faceted property franchise sector could be the foundation for realising your own ambitions and help others achieve the great Australian dream.

Inside Franchise Business chats to franchisors in the property sector. Here we chat to One Agency.

One Agency has a distinct model that allows real estate agents to operate independently under their own brand while benefiting from being members/licensees of a well-known and respected group.

The company feels strongly about providing support but not dictating and mandating. Joining One Agency is all about working individually but still together and helping real estate agencies to be more streamlined.

“We seek people who’ve got the business acumen and life experience to be successful,” says John Stewart, head of Australasian membership, corporate headquarters.

The members of One Agency are able to learn from people across the brand who have the most experience across the industry.

“Members can learn from within the brand rather than from some people in the head office who might just be a tad out-of-date, they’re not on the point at the moment,” says Stewart.

“Someone at our recent awards said ‘We are the guardians of the brand, not the payment head office’, and that really explains us well.”

Stewart says instead of paying $240,000 a year in franchise fees, and training fees and marketing fees, members pay a much lower fee and are able to get the same benefits.

This model is different to the average franchise model and is most suited towards an individual who is passionate about real estate, wants a well-known brand, and a support network but also wants independence.

Almost like an adult relationship with one’s parents, One Agency offers a chance to work on your own but also get that support when needed.

“We very passionately drive our members to keep control of their costs and overheads and show them how they can operate really cost-efficiently and professionally,” says Stewart.

“If the market halves, you’re still making a whole lot more than you were making when you were working for somebody else, or in a typical franchise situation.

“When people get into financial and practical binds, they lose sight of the job, and they start panicking. Well, as much as we possibly can, we keep them away from that likelihood by insulating them against market changes and market contractions.”

Stewart says the brand offers simplicity, cost-efficiency, opportunity to innovate, and above all, to meet more people in the sector.

With a message that you can work in a team independently, One Agency is doing things a little differently and spreading its brand nationally.

Best suited licensees:

  • Professionals in real-estate seeking support

  • Individuals with business acumen  

  • Go getters

The basics:

  • Establishment fee $13,500+GST

  • Monthly administration fee: $950+GST

  • Term: Up to member to choose, from 3 to 15 years, full right of renewal

  • 220+ licensed areas allocated