Swimart revenue up

Sarah Stowe

Pool service franchise Swimart has boosted its full year revenue according to parent company Waterco Limited.  The group’s net profit after tax to June 2009 was $2.3 million, 101 percent higher than in 2008.

WatercoÍs chairman, Soon Sinn Goh, said ñIn terms of our 62-store Swimart franchise group in Australia and New Zealand, the full year revenues of the Swimart retail stores were ahead of the previous year by eight percent. Double digit growth was recorded in all states and NZ except NSW where retail sales remain sluggish.î  

New pool builds continued to decline in 2008/09 as the global financial crisis made consumers wary of further expenditure. The emerging business of commercial water treatment equipment continued strongly in both Australia and New Zealand, which balanced the decline in the residential sector.