Kumon – a franchise with potential to enrich young people’s lives

Domini Stuart

It was seeing the impact Kumon had on his daughters that persuaded Sri Ayyalusamy to invest in his own franchise. 

“Kumon facilitated their love of reading and confidence with literacy,” he says. “My older daughter now also has a passion for public speaking. Seeing the difference it made to their lives, the tangible impact it had on the foundation of their education, and realising I had the potential to help other children to enjoy the same benefits drove my decision.”

A privilege 

Kumon is the largest after-school learning programme in the world, with more than 3.7 million students enrolled in over 50 countries and regions. Kumon franchisees – or Kumon Instructors as they’re also known – help students to fulfil their potential, developing high levels of literacy and numeracy along with invaluable life skills.

“I think the thing I enjoy most is seeing students grow into confident young people who are willing to embrace new concepts, don’t give up when they encounter challenges and are independent in their learning,” Ayyalusamy says. “Willingness to learn really does make a difference for life and I consider it a privilege to be part of that journey for families in the community.” 

Riding out COVID 

Ayyalusamy took over the existing Kumon East Victoria Park Education Centre in 2019. 

“The business had been established for 25 years and had a strong customer base,” he says. 

One challenge no one could have foreseen was the onset of COVID. 

“That had a massive impact on so many businesses, including ours,” Ayyalusamy says. “There was a lot of turbulence and anxiety in the initial stages of the pandemic as people feared for their health and their jobs. I think the fact that we rode the wave shows just how committed families are to supporting their children’s learning, and that they trust Kumon to provide that support.”

The uncertainties of COVID led many people to rethink their future and, particularly, the way they work. Work life balance has become a priority – and, while running your own business can definitely be hard work, there’s also an element of flexibility which appealed to Ayyalusamy.  

“I was very keen to spend more time with my family, and to be able to attend the girls’ important events,” he says. 

Kumon qualities 

Kumon Instructors are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds, careers and professions. The basic requirements are a bachelor’s degree in any discipline, permanent resident status, a valid driver’s license and your own transport. Naturally, you need to be proficient in maths and English and enjoy working with young people. You’ll also need the skills and acumen required to run your own small business.

“Good communication is particularly important because you’re forming partnerships with both students and their parents – partnerships that could potentially last for many years,” Ayyalusamy says. “We have families who have been with Kumon for 10 years or more – you could share the entire journey from primary school to the HSC. It’s vital you can make that connection.”

He also stresses the need for absolute integrity.

“Young children and their families put their trust in you so it’s vital you follow through on everything you say or promise,” he says. “You should also remember that these families are part of a community, they often know each other and they talk about education. A satisfied customer is your best marketing tool.”

Extensive training and support

Kumon Instructors receive extensive training and intensive support during the first year, including formal Follow-Up Training sessions. Each Kumon Instructor also has an assigned consultant to support them across many aspects of the business, including growth. 

“When I took over the franchise I was definitely on a steep learning curve,” Ayyalusamy says. “I had a lot of support from my consultant in the early stages which really helped me. It was very reassuring to know there was always someone there to answer questions or provide advice.”

If you love the idea of owning a small business that makes a positive contribution to young people’s lives, and you think you’re right for the role, we’d love to hear from you. Please register for a free information session here