“I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t done it myself”: Jim’s Dog Wash franchisee success

Sarah Stowe

Franchisee Brigette Boyd is loving her new life with Jim’s Dog Wash. Just 10 months ago Brigette was a despatch assistant for a major hardware store chain, today she is powering her way through business and enjoying a good lifestyle.

Brigette was ready to make a change and looked around for a new opportunity. She didn’t have to look too far.

“I’m very fond of dogs so my husband suggested dog grooming. Jim’s seemed to be the best quality and value for money, and when I met the franchisors they were transparent and honest.  So I went ahead, and I’ve found it fabulous.”

Brigette is working to a clear three year plan for the business.

“The idea is predominantly to make sure business can sustain itself, and to develop areas where there is enough saturation to sell a split [territory] and make my money back.

After six months the business was paying for itself. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t done it myself,” she tells  Inside Franchise Business.

“I just love it, I built up a good customer base, have good relationships.”

Jim’s Dog Wash support

For a new franchisee, the level of franchisor support is crucial.

“The support you receive and the people around you are incredible. I never go to sleep wondering what if, someone will contact you on the day. It’s a great group to be a part of.”

Brigette reveals she was so busy servicing clients, right from the start, she didn’t have time to market her business, except through Facebook.”

Now, nearly a year into the business, she can confidently say much of the new business comes from customer referrals, and through the Jim’s call centre.

And she appreciates not only the leads that come through from head office, but the awareness associated with the Jim’s brand.

“It’s a recognised brand, even children know the brand. When you’re dressed in the livery and you have your trailer , it’s a massive advertisement. People will come up and ask for a card.

“If you don’t have the experience it’s a massive bonus,” she says.

No more 9-5

Of course starting out in your own business can be daunting. Brigette says for her the biggest challenge was simply going it alone for the first few times.

“You’re all set up with training and equipment, you’re ready to go but when you’re on your own it’s a bit nerve wracking. Everyone is just a phone call away though.”

Learning how to speak to customers and sell yourself to ensure customers become regulars proved an invaluable part of the advice and training from Jim’s, she says.

When she started Brigette was working seven days a week. Now she can manage the workload in five days, working from 10am until 6pm before an hour of administration.

“I make sure everything is cross referenced. I’m doing BAS with Xero and everything is already done, it’s very easy, all the information is already there, I just have to move it across.”

Getting to grips with the detail of the business has allowed this franchisee to take charge of her life.

“As a Jim’s Dog Wash franchisee you can organise your own time better to suit yourself, and once established in your area you can focus on particular suburbs, can customise your customer base.”

“I’m reaping the benefits”

While some businesses have closed down due to COVID-19, Brigette’s mobile dog grooming service has powered through the crisis.

“With COVID-19 I feel a little guilty, it’s been quite good for my business. A lot of salons closed down so mobiles got busy.”

Brigitte reports the business ramped up to the levels of a typical Christmas period. Some of those dog owners desperate to get their dogs groomed still rely on her services. She is hoping it’s a trend that will continue.

“I’ve had feedback that it’s more convenient for customers.”

The next stage for Brigette is to train as a trainer and mentor new franchisees.

For now she’s enjoying the change to lifestyle.

“This is a lot easier on my mind, I don’t have the stress of working from 9-5 and being accountable for other people’s behaviour. I’m solely responsible for my own actions and I reap the benefits.”