Home Caring preps for industry growth


Australia’s ageing population is continuing to put a strain on the country’s home care service providers, placing demand at all-time high.

As the baby-boomer generation, the nation’s largest demographic transitions into retirement, this demand is predicted to rise steadily.

According to research by Deloitte Access Economics, the increasing number of consumers who prefer to ‘age in place’ is causing an industry-wide shift in essential service needs, as more Australians take control of their care.

“With many Australians choosing to remain at home on a home care package before entering residential accommodation at an older age, residential providers are increasingly accommodating consumers with higher care needs,” Deloitte said in its Australia’s Aged Care Sector: Economic Contribution and Future Directions report.

The report went on to suggest that there was a significant opportunity for aged care providers to offer a wider range of services across both residential and home care to meet future consumer demands and preferences.

Many private businesses have heeded the call, adding additional staff members to the mix. However, few present the opportunity for flexibility and self-fulfilment that integrated assistance franchise, Home Caring does.

The Home Caring model

The business has developed a model that allows franchisees to enter the booming industry with structure, support and established systems of operation.

Providing an alternative to night shift work, the Home Caring model is flexible enough that new franchisees can work the schedule around their family situation, essentially operating a five day per week business.

Opportunities for growth within the business aren’t entirely reliant on aged care either, with the immersive range of service lending themselves well to another growing consumer demographic.

The rising need for disability and rehabilitation carers has been pushed to forefront of public attention through media coverage of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Under the scheme, a number of prospective clients will have approved packages from the government for aged care and disability, leaving them searching for a provider.

Often, customers are unfamiliar with the process involved in selecting a package, which is where Home Caring franchisees can provide assistance in contacting the right people to expedite the process.

Home Care services are also offered to customers who do not qualify for a government package but are looking for the best possible service.

The aged and disability home care industry is undergoing an enormous period of growth, with legislative changes certain to drive further demand. If you are passionate about helping people and want to make a positive step not only in your future but the lives of many others, click here to find out more.