Ali Baba launches superfood kebab

Sarah Stowe

What’s in your kebab? Blueberries, goji berries and acai berries are probably not top of the list but they are the new ingredients in a power-packed Superfood K’bab from the franchise fast food chain Ali Baba.

The brand has introduced a kebab packed with superfoods (which are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants) for a burst of nutrition as a contemporary take on the middle eastern favourite.

There’s quinoa, chickpea falafel and tomato included too in this new menu addition, developed in partnership with dietitian Joanne Turner.

Turner said “Superfoods provide esseential nutrients and this kebab offers them without overloading the body with salt, bad fats and sugar – components linked to bad health.”

The Superfood K’bab has increased fibre and protein, and reduced sodium and fat content.

Dominic Cain, national operations manager for Ali Baba said “Our Superfood K’bab has been developed through extensive research in line with the changing tastes, needs and dietary requirements of Australians.”

This latest development is part of the company strategy to reduce sodium and deliver healthy, tasty and well priced convenient food.

  • Fast food – healthy or cheap? Read Dominic Cain’s view here
  • Ali Baba’s new pockets campaign video