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Cleaning up the future

Sarah Stowe

Cleaning is at the heart of some of the most flexible franchises, with options ranging from hands-on domestic cleaning for a handful of clients to running a commercial cleaning empire or specialising in one particular area. There are also many low-cost opportunities offering the freedom and potential that comes with running your own business to just about anyone with a drive to succeed.

The Duster Dollies, Jani-King Australasia and Amazing Clean demonstrate the range of choices available to anyone considering a franchise in this sector.

The up and coming way to make money

The Duster Dollies franchise is actually a booking agency for cleaning; the franchisee is a manager, not a cleaner.

“When you buy a franchise you are investing in a new life,” says managing director Julie Finch-Scally. “Most people don’t want to work seven days a week and our franchisees like the fact that The Duster Dollies operates only during business hours.

Franchisees can also enjoy the benefits that come with having a home-based business. And, because the cleaners are out doing the work, they can take time off for holidays and long weekends.”

When Finch-Scally started the business in 1993 she worked alone, delivering pamphlets and cleaning. Today she runs a million dollar company with nine franchisees and agencies in Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne. New agencies will be opening shortly in Perth and Brisbane.

The investment for a franchise in a non-established area is $22,500. Finch-Scally also recommends that new franchisees have enough money to support themselves for the first few months while their business is growing.

“We have perfected a system for cleaning a home that is fundamental to our success,” she says. “Each new franchisee is taught the system and they then train their own contracts so all Duster Dollies cleaners across Australia clean homes in exactly the same way.”

Franchisees are also taught how to run their business, as they will need to keep both customers and contract cleaners happy, so excellent communication skills are an important starting point. From here, the right franchisees can expect a bright future. Finch-Scally points out that even the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) didn’t dent the business.

“As we’re part of the cleaning industry one would have expected the GFC to have a detrimental effect, but it didn’t happen. Yes, we did lose a few customers but for every customer lost another was gained.

“More and more couples are both working so they don’t have time to keep their house clean. Our motto is Giving you back your leisure time and we’re finding that growing numbers of people are using our services so they can enjoy their time at home. Cleaning is not a dirty word — it’s the up and coming way to make money.”

It’s good to be King

It’s over 40 years since US entrepreneur Jim Cavanaugh founded the company that was to become Jani-King. Now the world’s leading commercial cleaning franchise, its Australasian operations were founded by Ben Stoltz and Brian Morris in 1993. Today there are more than 1300 franchisees across Australia and New Zealand alone.

“We like to say It’s good to be King with a Jani-King franchise,” says Ben Stoltz, managing director, Jani-King Australasia. “Our systems are the key to our success so we make sure that franchisees are supported by skilled professionals in every aspect of their business including management, operations and administration. As well as full training, we provide a team that takes care of the invoicing and even collects the money. All the franchisee has to do is clean — and clean up.”

Investment options starting with an entry level plan of $15,000 plus GST enable franchisees to work as much or as little as they want.

“Some of the most successful franchisees are generating $40,000 or more a month,” continues Stoltz. “Others prefer to focus more on quality of life, choosing to earn less in order to spend more time with family and friends or enjoy a particular lifestyle. Those who do want to grow have the option of obtaining new accounts from Jani-King or acquiring the tools and techniques to secure accounts on their own. Either way you have the performance and day-to-day support of Jani-King behind you.”

When it comes to security, Stoltz believes that commercial cleaning is as close to recession-proof as you can get.

“Every office building, hotel, medical centre, restaurant and public space must be cleaned, and cleaned well,” he says. “During the GFC some clients did try to save money by looking for a cheaper service or doing the cleaning themselves but most soon realised that perception is reality for consumers. A clean, hygienic environment is a necessity even in the toughest of times and you need professional commercial cleaners to do the job properly. We’re forecasting continuing growth as the commercial cleaning sector matures and more business owners come to understand this.”

Uniquely Amazing

The people who created Amazing Clean once owned one of Australia’s leading blind manufacturing companies. When customers asked about cleaning their products safely they realised there was little to recommend and, in true entrepreneurial style, they set about developing a system of their own. Based on successful US ultrasonic models, the system proved to be so successful that they sold the manufacturing company in order to focus on the cleaning business.

Today, Amazing Clean cleans, repairs and sells blinds of all kinds and it is the only franchise in the world to clean curtains. The system is also ideal for cleaning both fabric and leather lounges and mattresses. Franchising began in 2000 and, while there are now 70 franchises across every state and territory, franchisor Glenn McMahon believes this is just the beginning.

“Statistics show that only eight percent of Australians are aware that they can get their curtains and blinds cleaned and repaired this easily and cost-effectively,” he says. “That’s a massive untapped market, and it means there’s huge potential for growth for franchisees who understand that there’s a need to educate the market. Already we have franchises with $100,000 per year turnover at the low end and over $1 million at the high end.”

The entry cost of $144,000 buys a defined territory and full training and support. Operators choose the hours they want to work; while many elect to work a five day week and enjoy their weekends others prefer to put more time into the business.

“Like anything, the more you put in the more you will get back, especially as our low, flat fee structure means you get to keep more of any extra you earn,” says McMahon.

Of the 11 different businesses he has owned, McMahon says Amazing Clean is by far the easiest one to run profitably.

“The best thing about it is that customers really are amazed by the results and incredibly grateful to you for making their dirty blinds and curtains look like new again. Then they can’t wait to tell their friends — and, as far as education is concerned, nothing beats word of mouth recommendation.”