Why your reason for not buying a franchise may just be an excuse

Sarah Stowe

Don’t have previous experience? Worried about starting from square one? Well, Michael Mahon’s journey with InXpress may just stamp out your reasons for not buying a franchise. Your reason for not investing in a franchise may just be an excuse. Image: theeconomiccollapseblog.com   

Coming from a property management background, Mahon said joining InXpress, a freight consulting franchise, was nothing like what he used to do. He worked for Kennards Hire for three years as national property manager.

“I loved that job but it wasn’t my business,” he explained. His family had a few businesses back in Ireland. But that experience was certainly not a pre-requisite for InXpress. And he didn’t have a passion for freight consulting either.

“I really liked the structure of the InXpress franchise model,” he said.  

“InXpress is a business that’s always making money in the background.

“You don’t have to be a salesperson or an expert in freight.”

However the week long training is essential – and it is this sales and product information delivered in an intense learning process that is vital for the business, which allows franchisees from all backgrounds to operate an InXpress business.

“It started from zero at the start,” Mahon explained. As with many businesses, sales need to be generated by the franchisee via door-to-door knocking and networking.

He admits that in the beginning, the business can be lonely when operating as a “one man shop”, but he put faith in the system and two to three years later – it paid off.

The network is also a key feature of the model, as well as franchisee-to-franchisee support.

“It really is a supportive system,” said Mahon. “Almost like a pay it forward.”

In his view, price is the cornerstone to attracting customers, but great service is the formula for keeping customers.

“The opportunity of InXpress is limitless,” he added.

Does this sound like your story?

Could you take on a new challenge and become your own boss? Find out if the InXpress model is for you.