Subway unveils 24/7 express pick-up service


Subway Australia has unveiled a 24/7 express pick-up service which will roll out across the country following the success of the pilot scheme.

The round-the-clock service allows customers to place orders via the Subway app or delivery provider and have these prepared and ready for collection at a dedicated express pick-up window.

Subway country director Geoff Cockerill said “At Subway, we pride ourselves on taking a fresh approach and looking at things differently. Customers have told us they want the convenience of ordering around the clock either with delivery or pick-up – and now we’re delivering.”

Subway 24-hour pick-up-point | Inside Franchise Business
Subway 24-hour pick-up-point | Inside Franchise Business

The pilot at Bald Hills in Brisbane proved to the sandwich chain there’s a demand for a 24hr pick-up service and it will start expanding the 24-hour window concept at a measured pace.

“We are planning to start with a couple of these windows in each State this year, at locations where there is demand for round-the-clock dining, before looking at a wider roll-out,” Cockerill said.

“Over the past year, through Covid, we have seen a change in the way people are eating Subway.,” he said. “More people are ordering through third-party delivery providers than ever before – and more people are choosing to place express-pick-up orders.

“With shift workers, more remote working and added delivery options, Subway is proving a popular choice for late-night and early-morning orders.”

Subway Bald Hills franchisee Preeti Gazra said she was proud to be offering local residents the first chance to satisfy their all-night Subway food cravings.

“We took the opportunity to do something that has never been done before and offer contactless 24-hr express pick-up. Bald Hills residents have voted with their mouths and now our 24hr ordering is here to stay,” said Preeti.

A year ago the sandwich chain celebrated the opening of its 100th new-generation store, resplendent with a fresh logo and vibrant decor.