Ruth Cohen named Expense Reduction Analysts’ ‘Top Earner’

Sarah Stowe

Expense Reduction Analysts has announced that Perth based franchisee, Ruth Cohen, was been awarded the ‘Top Earner’ Award for 2008.

Cohen was also named ‘Top Associate’ in 2007 and has also been appointed as a business development manager for Expense Reduction Analysts.

As she received her award, Cohen was asked to provide some advice to prospective Expense Reduction Analysts franchisees. “Persevere. You have to keep that new business pipeline filled. Think laterally to see all the opportunities out there and trust your own instincts and gut feel about people and situations,” she said.

Michael Nicholas, executive director, said “Ruth’s track record in client acquisition and service is exemplary. Her positive mental attitude coupled with a personal goal to achieve excellence has again placed her as our top performing franchisee.”

Expense Reduction Analysts currently has 750 franchisees globally, including 30 in Australia.