Price Attack has launched a new $1.2 million advertising campaign aimed at positioning the franchise as “the champion of everyday women”.
A new television ad, which can be viewed here, features a series of women, all with perfectly primed hair, revealing when their last bad hair day was. The ad concludes with a voiceover saying “today can be your day to say goodbye to bad hair days”.
The ad is part of the franchise’s revamping which includes a new layout for the 130 stores across Australia, a new logo and a focus on customer service and education.
“We needed to fix our store appearance. We needed to fix our corporate identity. We needed to fix our staff education levels and our franchisee education levels as well,” said Price Attack’s marketing manager, Darren Gunton. “The final piece of the puzzle is our new TV commercial, a new website that we’ll launch in a month’s time, billboard advertising, magazine advertising – and it all centres around the one theme of being the authority in hair and the champion of women.”
Gunton also believes that the name “Price Attack” has negative connotations for hair and expects that the name will eventually be replaced with the “softer” ‘PA’ or ‘PA hair and beauty’.
To take a virtual tour of Price Attack’s new store layout, click here.