FCA looks to Julia Gillard for small business support

Sarah Stowe

The Franchise Council of Australia and Australian Retailers Association are hoping for small business support with jobs-friendly Julia Gillard installed as the new Prime Minister.

FCA executive director Steve Wright told Franchising “We expect that the Gillard focus on jobs should present an upside for the small business sector — the nationÕs biggest employer group, but a voice often crowded out by high profit corporates who spend a lot of money on political influence. The national economy is strong, but consumer confidence is shaky, and that is reflected in the soft revenue figures of many of our retail members.

“Ms Gillard has an opportunity to show us more convincingly than Mr Rudd that she is aware of this and is willing to back policy initiatives which are supportive of franchising and small business more broadly.”

Wright added “Recent changes to the Franchising Code have come following a long and thorough assessment by the Government, so we do not expect any change of direction. We will have to wait and see regarding the portfolio representation.

“I would not be surprising to see Dr Emerson elevated in the Ministry as he has done a good job in the small business role.

“The importance of the small business portfolio and Dr EmersonÕs added responsibilities in national harmonization and red tape reduction should make him a candidate for inclusion in Cabinet. The Coalition has its Opposition spokesman included in the shadow Cabinet.”

Representing the retail sector, Russell Zimmerman, executive director of The Australian Retailers Association, welcomed Prime Minister Gillard’s statement that she believes in consultation.

“The economic, environmental, social and workplace challenges facing Australia deserve ongoing, open and two-way consultation with retail and business industry groups before major government decisions are made and the ARA looks forward to working closely with the new Gillard Government,” he said.

“The ARA expects the Gillard Government to always consider the important role the retail sector plays as Australia’s largest employer and the role small business plays as the engine room of the nation’s economy.

“To minimise disruption to governance, we would like the announcement of new ministries and departments to be made sooner rather than later,” Zimmerman said.