Competing for the Consumer – The advantages of Local Area Marketing

Sarah Stowe

When once an advertising spot on a major television network had the potential to reach up to 70% of the viewing audience, the rapid development of technology has fractured traditional communication channels, handing control to the consumer.
So how does this affect a business and what chance does any marketing campaign stand in a world where the average consumer can be exposed to up to 5,000 ads per day?  The answer is simple – when the competition gets tough, the tough get targeted.
Local Area Marketing is a tool used by leading franchises such as Laser Clinics Australia to identify and strategically implement advertising campaigns that speak directly to a business’s demographic. Through identifying and implementing marketing opportunities within the local community, a national brand can increase its scope and effectiveness in a relevant way.
Research commissioned by Google and undertaken by Nielsen, a market research company,  demonstrated that advertising on multiple platforms substantially increased consumers’ ability to remember a brand. At Laser Clinics Australia the Marketing Team enables individual franchisees to access Big Business capabilities of an established brand and market leader to create targeted messaging that drives local results.
Laser Clinics Australia Franchisee, Natalie Kington, has seen the results first hand. Natalie said “Local area marketing allows me to use a campaign tactically and drive positive results. What works well for me, may not be the solution for another Franchisee and vice versa.”
In addition to national marketing campaigns, Laser Clinics Australia Franchisees have the opportunity to use specifically designed campaigns to promote their business through their shopping centre, targeted electronic communications and local brand alliances to ensure they engage their clients by offering them relevant content. 
“I understand which mediums are appropriate for my clients. The national Marketing Team supply me with specialised graphics and can negotiate a price that suits my budget”, said Natalie.
In 2013 alone, Laser Clinics Australia welcomed over 60,000 new clients into their clinics and now have over 40 clinics throughout Australia’s prime retail locations. This makes tactical marketing an integral part of its sustainable business model.