Color Bar

Sarah Stowe

In an age where time is increasingly precious, whether itÍs the snatched lunch hour or a weekend spent ferrying offspring to their various activities, the concept of speedy service always draws support. And that is what is driving the launch of a new franchise, Color Bar, the final result of a just-colour service that has been trialled and tweaked since 1999. ItÍs a niche market, says CEO Neil McCallum, who has more than 20 years experience in the hairdressing field.

Working with consultants DC Strategies for the past three years, McCallum has developed a system that someone lacking hairdressing experience can embrace.

ñThe catalyst for our thinking is the pressure to be quicker and better,î reveals McCallum. ñClients in the mid to higher end particularly, donÍt want to spend four and a half hours in the hairdresser on a Saturday. The concept is a lunch time colour, leaving the weekend free. They can then get a cut another lunch time.î

While the CBD might be an obvious location for busy women, and men, to tend to their tresses, even the suburbanites are finding time is at a premium, he says.

Color Bar is geared up for a ñheavy but measuredî roll out; three company stores and three franchises by end of 2008, with franchisees investing about $100,000 for a salon fit-out with a yet to be agreed fee on top.

The key to creating a successful hairdressing brand is to find the right people, he believes. ñThe growth is your people and their motivation.î

Yet McCallum echoes other industry voices in citing staffing as the major challenge to the hairdressing field. His solution has been to create a system dependent on rigorous colour training rather than standard hairdressing qualifications, allowing salons to function with just one senior hairdresser.

ñWe call them colour baristas,î he says. ñPart of the training is learning what people want. You have to provide what people want.î

In a move to follow through the colour theme, McCallum is in talks with the Napoleon cosmetics brand about supplying product in store.