Buying a Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar

Sarah Stowe

Prospective franchisees interested in Crust Gourmet Pizza Bars undergo a series of meetings and interviews to ensure that they receive all the information necessary to make an informed decision about whether Crust is right for them.

1. Prospective franchisees inquire through the Crust website or by calling head office. Crust’s head office sends the prospective franchisee an information pack and expression of interest form.

2. When the prospective franchisee has read through these materials and returned the expression of interest form Michael Logos, Crust CEO, calls the prospective franchisee to have a preliminary conversation about the system and provides any additional information required.

3. At this point, head office will organise an in-person presentation to the potential franchisee which includes how the system works, the benefits of the brand, site selection, fees and marketing information.

4. Following the presentation, territory preferences are discussed with the potential franchisee and research into the preferred locations is undertaken.

5. If the prospective franchisee’s territory preference is suitable Crust then provides him or her with the formal franchise application which requires information on personal background, business skills and qualifications and finances.

6. Once the application has been submitted Crust places prospective franchisees in a pizza store for two or three nights to give them a picture of what running the business will be like.

7. After this trial period, the prospective franchisee then meets with Crust again to sign the franchise agreement.