IWG plc

Founded in 1989, we have been helping people to work more productively for almost 30 years. Capitalise on this once-in-a-generation opportunity by joining the world’s number one workspace and coworking provider as a franchise partner. With our proven business model and leading global brands, you can transform the untapped potential of our market into exceptional cash returns. By 2030, it is predicted that 30% of all commercial real estate will be flexible workspace. Cost-effective model with low staff requirements. A typical IWG centre operates with two full-time employees
B2B franchise business model means single sales generate sustained revenue for multiple months, rather than need to attract high-volume, daily sales
A proven and robust operating model from a globally recognised brand, with almost 30 years of experience and knowledge. Established international sales and marketing channels
Comprehensive ongoing support from an experienced global franchise team.

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