Australian Skin Clinics franchisee found her business online

Sarah Stowe

Zoe Baker worked for 19 years in sales and marketing at Optus until one day she Googled franchising opportunities and never looked back.

She was looking for an opportunity to be closer to her family and work closer to home. She knew she wanted a franchise but had no idea about brands, even which industry she should invest in.

“When I Googled franchising opportunities, Australian Skin Clinics in Warringah Mall was one of the first to appear in the search results and it seemed to tick all of my boxes. It was close to home and in a well performing centre I was familiar with,” said Zoe.

No idea how to run a business

 “The only problem was I had no idea how to own and run a business and I knew nothing about the medi-aesthetic industry, which I thought was a prerequisite.”

This was in March 2016 and it took less than six months for Zoe to become an Australian Skin Clinics franchisee. It turned out that she did have the necessary skills to be a franchisee.

There was still a learning curve though as a new franchisee.

Even though Zoe had an extensive background in sales and marketing she had never hired a team. And she had no idea where to start when it came to employing a team of trained technicians and cosmetic nurses.

 “Australian Skin Clinics prides itself on delivering results-driven treatments carried out by experienced, qualified and highly trained team members and I didn’t know how to identify those staff members,” said Zoe.

 “I needn’t have worried as Australian Skin Clinics were amazing at guiding me to hire the right staff for my first clinic.”

 Zoe learned plenty about running a clinic from how much stock to order to how to attend to staff training.

Skin clinics franchisee expands

 After hiring the staff and firming up the clinic’s reputation and its client base over the years, Zoe set her sights on expanding to a second Sydney clinic.

 “I was blown away by how organised Australian Skin Clinics were in terms of their training, protocols and systems,” she says.

 “I feel like they have my best interests at heart and really want me to succeed, which is why I was confident in taking on the Chatswood clinic.

 “In two years I’ve learned that staff and client happiness is the most important thing, and by utilising the training and systems available to me, I was able to mirror the model with Chatswood.”

 Zoe says she achieved her goal of being closer to home and her family while having two successful businesses without having to make too many sacrifices.

 “Running a business, never mind two, is a challenge and don’t get me wrong, it’s non-stop,” she says.

Successful clinics

 “I know that I have the support if I need it from my staff and head office and over the years I have become confident in myself and my ability, which allows me to run my clinics successfully, ensuring none of my clients experience poor service.

 “I love my clients, talking to them about their goals and their reactions on seeing their results, and I adore my staff who help my clients with their journey.

“When I started I knew very little about the industry and now I love coming into work. I love the industry and this love has definitely outweighed any stress or bumps in the road along the way.”

Zoe is not just a franchisee for Australian Skin Clinics but is now on the Australian Skin Clinics franchisee council which meets quarterly to discuss how to further improve processes as well as new training for staff and owners.