Ali Baba brand revamp spiced up with football sponsorship

Sarah Stowe

As part of its brand revitalisation, kebab franchise Ali Baba has shown its support for Queensland’s junior league football by signing up as the sponsor of Football Brisbane’s player development programs.

The seasonal sponsorship will focus primarily on supporting coaches involved in Football Brisbane’s male and female U8 to U11 Development and Goalkeeper Development Programs.

Dominic Cain, national operations manager for Ali Baba, said ““Football is one of the largest and fastest growing team sports in Australia, and it is important that all kids have the opportunity to get involved and understand the importance of staying fit and healthy.”

The sponsorship will support clubs across Brisbane, including communities local to Ali Baba stores such as Browns Plains, Mt Ommaney and Morayfield.

Ali Baba’s decision to sponsor junior league football across the state has been launched in conjunction with Ali Baba’s commitment to a holistic approach to health and wellbeing and a complete brand and menu revitalisation.

“The QSR market is evolving in step with the changing tastes, needs and dietary requirements of Australians. As a business we recognise that we are in a unique position, given our brand heritage and product offering, to really capitalise on this change and the continuing interest in convenient, healthy and fresh made to order products,” said Cain.