30 seconds with Citiwide CEO

Sarah Stowe

Patrick Marion heads up the Victorian-based mortgage broking firm Citiwide and takes our 30 second Q&A.

1. Who do you admire in the franchising sector and why?

I admire Greg Nathan from Franchise Relationships Institute because he is an inspiring speaker who completely understands the industry. He always offers very useful insights into behaviour that can impact the franchisee/franchisor relationship. I always find I get great value from him.

2. Which non-franchise brand would you like to be identified with?

The Apple brand is a great example of a polished company that inspires both its employees and consumers through its culture, values and product offerings. It naturally attracts high calibre and influential brand ambassadors. I would love to create this powerful aura for my own company.

3. What do you do to stay fit and healthy?

I frequently visit the gym and used to do a lot of cycling until a nasty accident last year.  Following recovery, I started walking and swimming more. I am conscious that fitness and diet goes hand to hand, so I watch my diet closely and only consume a small amount of fat, sugar and alcohol. It is not always easy but it’s definitely working!

4. How do you stay calm in a crisis?

I used to be a highly stressed person until one day I read an amazing book: “How to stop worrying and start living” by Dale and Dorothy Carnegie, which put my whole life into perspective. I now deal with crisis with a much more composed and peaceful attitude, allowing me to think clearer and make better decisions. I also use my exercise routine as an opportunity to clear my mind, reset and refocus.

5. Who would play you in a film of your life and why?

I would ask Richard Gere. He is a talented actor with an astounding collection of successful movies. Plus, he has aged quite gracefully in my opinion.